What a blessing!

My son has been waking up when PapaBets is just leaving for work.  I think this might be because of the medication, or the time change, or maybe both.  And not just a little early – he’s been waking up at 6:30-ish.  That is at least 3 hours earlier than he usually wakes up!  But, in those hours before anyone in the house is up and at em, he has been productive!  One morning he made a sign for his “radio station” on my computer (more about that in a future blog).  He printed it out, and taped it up all on his own.  But, this morning I was in for a surprise!

I woke up to M telling me that he was wide awake and couldn’t sleep anymore.  I said fine.  Then went back to dozing.  I am NOT a morning person, and it takes me a while to finally get up.  Just a few minutes later, I heard dishes clattering.  I decided that as long as there was peace, and he wasn’t bothering anyone, I’d let it be.  So, a few minutes later he comes in and tells me he is planning a surprise and I wasn’t allowed out of my room.  Fine.  Then, a few minutes later, he comes in and tells me, “Mom, I’ve planned a big surprise for you.  I loaded the dishwasher, and ran it.  I put in just the right amount of soap and everything.”

He did a fantastic job!  It was loaded perfectly.  He was SO proud of himself.  He got his reward, two smiley faces on his $1 chart (he needs 10 to earn $1).  I am so proud of my little blessing!  This week has been one of the roughest for him, impulse wise.  He needed to have an accomplishment like this.  And now, because he was up early, he’s napping.  Sweet boy.

Explore posts in the same categories: ADHD, Homeschooling, Sleep Problems, Tenex, Tourette Syndrome

One Comment on “What a blessing!”

  1. Michelle Says:

    aawwww! ❤ moments like these 🙂

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